Cold Blood book cover

Who is the woman hero?

This is a question our culture seems to be still trying to figure out. Yesterday Kate Lawrence explored this question in a blog post about her books’ main character, Yamabuki, a historical woman samurai in 12th-century Japan.

 · Laura Lis Scott
Diagram of Lagrange points, via NASA

Home on Lagrange

I first came across Lagrange Points many years ago in Arthur C. Clarke’s novel A Fall of Moondust. It boggled my young mind, picturing satellites orbiting in seemingly static positions around the Moon! Of course, in fact they were orbiting Earth and the Moon, affected by and in balance with both gravitational sources. (This is what I think some of the best science fiction does: explore scientific concepts, even in passing, within a fictional story....

 · Laura Lis Scott

No, NoNaNo

I am not participating in NaNoWriMo this year. Last year, I took some rather timid steps into NaNoWriMo — which is to say I signed up on the site. I didn’t provide a name (Did I want to use a pseudonym?) or project title (Which did I want to write?). I did, however, start writing. I did not reach the officially sanctioned 50,000-word target, but I did put down some 7,000 words or so....

 · Laura Lis Scott


Its done! Not done done, but done—a “first draft.” Not an actual first draft—I revised it so many times I lost count —but it’s the first I actually sent to anyone who wasn’t a friend or alpha reader. Now I wait. And start on the next book, which is going to be something completely different. Different genre. Different “person.”

 · Laura Lis Scott

Digital: ephemeral

What happens to this blog when I die, when I no longer pay the monthly bill? What happens to my emails when my card no longer covers the autopay on the account?

 · Laura Lis Scott