Pale Klingon asks What must I sacrifice? From TV show Discovery.

How not to blog

Do as I do: Cover a wide variety of topics. Post sporadically. Write various lengths, from quick dashed-off notions to long think pieces. Get personal one post, professional the next. Take long breaks. Give people the strong impression that your mind runs all over the place. I’m trying to do better, but blogging is not in even the top five of my daily A tasks. Therefore I’m doomed. Don’t be like me!...

 · Laura Lis Scott
and then two blogs became one and the eldest shell was no more


What was is no more, though some of it lives on here. If you followed a dead link, try search. Apologies, I did not migrate the comments.

 · Laura Lis Scott

B is for Blocked

What do you do when you’re blocked? I freewrite. That’s what I am doing here. I just keep my fingers going, typing on the keyboard, spitting out words, not stopping for anything. I don’t kow what my next sentence is so I keep typing. Why am I blocked? Why? There are a lot of B topics I could blog about. I could blog about blogging. I could blog about beauty....

 · Laura Lis Scott

A to Z is for Audacity to Zen

The Blogging A to Z Challenge: Blog every day in April, except Sundays, each day dedicated to a letter. When your days are not your own, it’s just a little bit audacious to take on a daily blogging challenge. But you only live once. I’ve decided to give it a shot. No, I have no idea what I’m going to write about. That’s not for lack of trying, though....

 · Laura Lis Scott

Is there really so little talent in the world? (And does Hollywood have it all already?)

In doing some catch-up on the Web 2.0 conference that happened a couple of weeks ago, I came across Kaliya’s round up, where she remarks upon the rather inane statement made by television mogul Barry Diller: Dumbest thing said on the stage: Bary Diller dismissed the idea that citizens with blogs and video editing software were major threats to the entertainment industry. “There is not that much talent in the world,” Diller said....

 · Laura Lis Scott