
B is for Blocked

What do you do when you’re blocked? I freewrite. That’s what I am doing here. I just keep my fingers going, typing on the keyboard, spitting out words, not stopping for anything. I don’t kow what my next sentence is so I keep typing. Why am I blocked? Why? There are a lot of B topics I could blog about. I could blog about blogging. I could blog about beauty....

 · Laura Lis Scott

A is for A

A is a word, too. Pity a. A gets no respect. A gets taken for granted. A gets trotted out and used—and often misused—by writers every day, without any thought or consideration. Can you search for a on most websites? No. A, for all its graceful brevity, is deemed unworthy—too short to index. A does not even seem to merit clarity on preferred pronunciation; and when you consider that one way is to pronounce it as “uh,” you begin to realize the cavalier disrespect society has for this first among all words....

 · Laura Lis Scott

A to Z is for Audacity to Zen

The Blogging A to Z Challenge: Blog every day in April, except Sundays, each day dedicated to a letter. When your days are not your own, it’s just a little bit audacious to take on a daily blogging challenge. But you only live once. I’ve decided to give it a shot. No, I have no idea what I’m going to write about. That’s not for lack of trying, though....

 · Laura Lis Scott