
Building a better superego

This year I make no resolutions.

 · Laura Lis Scott

The community of 500 words

As a writer, I am fortunate to have a best friend who happens to be a wonderful author. She reads my stuff, gives me notes, helps me see clearly my story, and listens to my whining when I’m stuck. And I do the same for her. And this helps make the solitary endeavor of writing a bit less lonely. Beyond her, however, I have had no writing colleagues with whom to share....

 · Laura Lis Scott

Blank page: 2014

It all seems rather arbitrary to say today is a new start, tomorrow is the 2nd day, and so on. Every day is a new day, “the first day of the rest of your life,” and all that. Right? And yet here we are, all of us, looking at this new year full of hopes and intentions and goals and resolutions. The rhythms of the year, of the holidays, of the seasons lend themselves to this....

 · Laura Lis Scott

How to translate New Year’s Resolutions into actions

Resolution time. It’s the occasion to institute changes. Or at least resolve to change. It doesn’t always work out, does it? The diet gets dropped. The fingernails get bitten. The cigarettes get smoked. The exercise gets blown off. And that’s that. Right? Maybe not. If you’ve ever had trouble shaking an addiction or behavior that ends up not serving your needs, you might find some hope (and results) in this analysis of addictive behavior, courtesy of Hyrum Smith, founder and creator of the Franklin planning system....

 · Laura Lis Scott