What was rarepattern.com is no more, though some of it lives on here. If you followed a dead link, try search. Apologies, I did not migrate the comments.
What was rarepattern.com is no more, though some of it lives on here. If you followed a dead link, try search. Apologies, I did not migrate the comments.
A while ago, I got interested in bullet journaling. Eager to get going on it quickly and discover how I would use this freeform style of journaling and personal planning, I initially went with the popular bujo favorite, the Leuchtturm1917. But I was immediately frustrated when I saw how much ghosting I had on the reverse sides of my pages. I needed to find the best bujo notebook. Bullet journaling, at least in my mind, demands a higher standard....
I’ll be an entrepreneur … if you pay me to do it. I’ll paint the picture … if you will hang it. I’ll write the book … if you will sell it. I’ll take the test … if you promise to pass me. I’ll take the exam … if it says I am healthy. I’ll tell you I love you … if you love me. I want to live a life where all my dreams come true....
Let’s just agree that 57 is too young.
When I saw the news on Twitter that David Bowie had died, I started to cry. It was the middle of the night, but I couldn’t sleep anymore. I tossed and turned with “Heroes” echoing in my head. Very sorry and sad to say it's true. I'll be offline for a while. Love to all. pic.twitter.com/Kh2fq3tf9m — Duncan Jones (@ManMadeMoon) January 11, 2016 Here it is, three days later and I’m still trying to process it....